Wind Climate Estimate
Using a regional wind climate calculated by WAsP or one obtained from another source – e.g. the European Wind Atlas or one of the many wind atlases now available – WAsP can predict the wind climate at any specific site and height by performing the inverse calculation as is used to generate the regional wind climate. By introducing descriptions of the terrain around the predicted site, the WAsP models can predict the actual, expected wind climate at this site.
- regional wind climate + site description —> predicted wind climate (PWC)
The predicted wind climate is given in terms of the wind rose and the wind speed distributions for each sector and in total. The WAsP window corresponding to the predicted wind climate looks like this:
WAsP calculates the following data (for each sector and in total) for the site:
- the frequency of occurrence
- the Weibull A-parameter
- the Weibull k-parameter
- the mean wind speed
- the mean power density
- the annual energy production (if a wind turbine generator is associated)
- the wake loss (if the turbine site is member of a wind farm)