
DTU Wind and Energy Systems (DTU Wind) represents more than 35 years of experience of research within wind energy and we have a long history of providing research-based consultancy services and capacity building. We provide state-of-the-art and timely services in close dialogue with our clients.

DTU Wind offers relevant, highly qualified research-based consultancy on technical and scientific issues. We have provided consultancy for government institutions around the world for a number of wind resource assessments and wind atlases for planning purposes and policy making.

Having developed and distributed the WAsP Software for more than 35 years, DTU Wind has always had a close collaboration with the global wind energy sector. We are a member of the MEASNET site assessment expert group and we offer e.g. wind resource assessment and site assessment for planning and development of wind farms.

DTU Wind is also able to support the improved capacity of local stakeholders, e.g. through courses and workshops.

DTU Wind’s consultancy activities are research-based and should potentially lead to new ideas for further research. Therefore, we have a special focus towards projects that can provide us with new challenges and potentially lead to creation of new knowledge and ideas. In this way the research activities create added value for the consultancy activities and vice versa.

For more information about our research-based consultancy services and capacity building please refer to the subpages in the menu to the left.