Wind Atlas

A wind atlas is a comprehensive collection of wind climates

A wind atlas is a comprehensive collection of generalized wind climates, derived by the Wind Atlas Methodology. A generalized wind climate and a topographical map are the two main inputs to wind resource assessment anywhere in the world.

DTU Wind and Energy Systems (DTU Wind) has created wind atlases (wind climates, maps, databases and guidelines for use) as consultancy for government institutions in several countries.

The work tasks include wind resource mapping, measurements, modelling, and verification – with capacity building to key stakeholders.

DTU Wind’s wind atlas projects include:

  • The Global Wind Atlas is developed, owned and operated by DTU Wind. The current version of the Global Wind Atlas is the product of a partnership between DTU Wind and the World Bank Group.


  • The New European Wind Atlas (NEWA) was an ERANET+ project, which was funded by the European Commission and 9 national funding agencies. The team behind NEWA consists of 30 partners from 8 European countries.


  • The Wind Atlas for Mexico is implemented by SENER (DoE) Mexico and funded by the Mexico-Denmark collaboration and Mexico - on contract with COWI A/S. DTU Wind is implementing partner (together with Instituto National de Electricidad y Energias Limpias (INEEL), UNAM and CFE/GEIC). DTU provides software, methodology, modelling, analyses, training and tools.


  • The Wind Atlas for South Africa (WASA) is a Capacity Development and Research Cooperation Initiative of the South African Department of Energy (DoE). WASA is implemented by SANEDI. All results and data, including description of methodology and guidelines for use have been shared in the public domain.


  • The Wind Atlas for Nepal was funded by the World Bank Group, ESMAP, Renewable Energy Mapping Programme. DTU Wind was lead vendor with 3E and WPN as subconsultants for implementing wind resource mapping, modelling, and verification – with capacity building to national task force.


  • The Wind Atlas for Ethiopia was funded by the World Bank Group, ESMAP, Renewable Energy Mapping Programme. DTU Wind was subconsultant to 3E for implementing wind resource mapping, – responsible for mesoscale modelling, requirements for verification, tools and materials for training.


  • The Wind Atlas for Vietnam was funded by the World Bank Group, ESMAP, Renewable Energy Mapping Programme. DTU Wind was sole vendor for implementing, wind resource mapping, modelling, and verification – with capacity building to national task force.


  • The Wind Atlas for Egypt is published by the New and Renewable Energy Authority (NREA), the Egyptian Meteorological Authority (EMA) and DTU Wind. The investigation was conducted from 1998 to 2005 by the New and Renewable Energy Authority (NREA), the Egyptian Meteorological Authority (EMA) and DTU Wind under the sponsorship of the Egyptian and Danish governments.


  • The Russian Wind Atlas was published in 2000 by the Russian-Danish Institute for Energy Efficiency in Moscow and DTU Wind (Risø National Laboratory).


  • The European Wind Atlas was a major outcome of the European Communities' overall effort to promote the market for electricity production from the wind resource in Europe and to develop the technologies and systems associated with it. DTU Wind (Risø National Laboratory) had the overall responsibility for project coordination and theoretical work, numerical modelling, data analysis, and reporting.