WAsP certification
Some WAsP course participants and wind power companies have an interest in a more formal examination in WAsP skills. As a consequence, in 2001 we established a WAsP "exam", with this initiative known as WAsP Certification. The certification applies to WAsP users, as a WAsP certificate assures that the holder has reached a certain level in using WAsP.
The idea of the WAsP certification is to make sure that holders of a WAsP certificate have adequate skills to use WAsP to complete a full analysis of meteorological data at a site, calculate the wind atlas and apply this to calculate the production of a potential wind farm. The required theoretical background need not be equivalent to a formal education in boundary-layer meteorology, but certificate holders should - in addition to the WAsP skills - also know about possible pitfalls and have a basic understanding of the underlying theory, its application, and its limitations.
The issuing of certificates is based on a one-day individual exam, consisting of a practical case study to be completed, and in answering a theoretical question as well as questions relating to the practical estimation of wind resources by WAsP. The applicants must fulfill the requirements of this exam to a satisfactory degree to acquire the certificate.
As the exam takes place in English, a reasonably high level of English proficiency is required.
Please consider seriously the requirements for the minimum qualifications to pass the certification examination.
At present, there are more than 250 certified WAsP users in 30+ countries in Europe, USA, Canada, South Africa, Pakistan, India, South Korea, China, Taiwan, Hong Kong and New Zealand.
Participants that have passed the examination - if they so choose - may be listed on our Certified WAsP users pages.
Implications of the certification
With the WAsP certificate the Department of Wind Energy at DTU states that the holder has, during the examination, proven his/her abilities regarding the proper use of the WAsP program and the necessary background knowledge.
Besides that, DTU Wind Energy assumes no responsibility for the quality of the wind resource work performed by the holder of the certificate, nor for any direct or indirect economical or other consequences of such studies.