Some references relevant to the WAsP software and wind atlases are listed below.
Troen, I. and E.L. Petersen (1989). European Wind Atlas. Risø National Laboratory, Roskilde. ISBN 87-550-1482-8. 656 pp.
Mortensen, N.G., U. Said Said, H.P. Frank, L. Georgy, C.B. Hasager, M. Akmal, J.C. Hansen and A.Salam (2003). Wind Atlas for the Gulf of Suez. Measurements and Modelling 1991-2001. New and Renewable Energy Authority, Cairo, and Risø National Laboratory, Roskilde. ISBN 87-550-3195-1. 196 pp.
Mortensen, N.G., J.C. Hansen, J. Badger, B.H. Jørgensen, C.B. Hasager, L. Georgy Youssef, U. Said Said, A. Abd El-Salam Moussa, M. Akmal Mahmoud, A. El Sayed Yousef, A. Mahmoud Awad, M. Abd-El Raheem Ahmed, M. A.M. Sayed, M. Hussein Korany, M. Abd-El Baky Tarad (2005). Wind Atlas for Egypt, Measurements and Modelling 1991-2005. New and Renewable Energy Authority, Egyptian Meteorological Authority and Risø National Laboratory. ISBN 87-550-3493-4. 258 pp.
J. Mann, L. Kristensen and N.O. Jensen: “Uncertainties of extreme winds, spectra, and coherences”; in: “Bridge Aerodynamics” edited by A. Larsen and S. Esdahl; A.A.Balkema/Rotterdam/Brookfield/1998, 49-56; eq.(6) and (7). UncExtrWinds-Mann1998-B.pdf.
Journal papers
Bechmann, A., J.P.M. Leon, B.T. Olsen and Y.V. Hristov (2020). The most similar predictor – on selecting measurement locations for wind resource assessment. Wind Energy Science, 5(4), 1679-1688.
Beyer, H.G., T. Pahlke, W. Schmidt, H.-P. Waldl and U. de Witt (1994). Wake effects in a linear wind farm. J. Wind Eng. Ind. Aerodyn. 51, 303-318.
Clerc, A., M. Anderson, P. Stuart and G. Habenicht, (2012). A systematic method for quantifying wind flow modelling uncertainty in wind resource assessment. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 111, 85–94.
Davis, N.N., J. Badger, A.N. Hahmann, B.O. Hansen, N.G. Mortensen, M. Kelly, X.G. Larsén, B.T. Olsen, R. Floors, G. Lizcano, P. Casso, O. Lacave, A. Bosch, I. Bauwens, O.J. Knight, A.P. van Loon, R. Fox, T. Parvanyan, S.B.K. Hansen, D. Heathfield, M. Onninen and R. Drummond (2023); The Global Wind Atlas: A high-resolution dataset of climatologies and associated web-based application; Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, Volume 104: Issue 8, Pages E1507-E1525.
Dellwik, E. L. Landberg and N.O. Jensen (2005). WAsP in the forest. Wind Energy 9 , 211-218.
Floors, R., M. Badger, I. Troen, K. Grogan and F.H. Permien (2021). Satellite-based estimation of roughness lengths and displacement heights for wind resource modelling. Wind Energy Science, 6(6), 1379-1400.
Floors, R., I. Troen and A. Peña (2023). Using Observed and Modelled Heat Fluxes for Improved Extrapolation of Wind Distributions. Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 188, 75-101.
Jackson, P.S. and J.C.R. Hunt (1975). Turbulent wind flow over a low hill. Quart. J. Roy. Met. Soc. 101, 929-955.
Kelly, M. and I. Troen (2016): Probabilistic stability and “tall” wind profiles: theory and method for use in wind resource assessment. Wind Energy 19(2), 227–241.
Kelly, M., I. Troen and H.E. Jørgensen (2014): Weibull-k revisited: ‘tall” profiles and height variation of wind statistics. Boundary-Layer Meteorol. 152(1), 107-124.
Kelly, M. and H.E. Jørgensen (2017): Statistical characterization of roughness uncertainty and impact on wind resource estimation. Wind Energ. Sci. 2, 189–209.
Kelly, M. (2018): From standard wind measurements to spectral characterization: turbulence length scale and its distribution. Wind Energ. Sci. 3(2), 533–543
Kelly, M. and D. Cavar (2023): Effective Roughness and Displaced Mean Flow over Complex Terrain. Boundary-Layer Meteorol. 186(1), 93–123
Kelly, M. and M.P. van der Laan (2023): From shear to veer: theory, statistics, and practical application. Wind Energy Sci. 8 (6), 975–998
Landberg, L. (2000). The mast on the house. Wind Energy 3, 113-119.
Petersen, E.L., N.G. Mortensen, L. Landberg, J. Højstrup and H.P. Frank (1998). Wind Power Meteorology. Part I: Climate and turbulence. Wind Energy 1, 2-22.
Petersen, E.L., N.G. Mortensen, L. Landberg, J. Højstrup and H.P. Frank (1998). Wind Power Meteorology. Part II: Siting and Models. Wind Energy 1, 55-72.
Reutter, K., R.G.J. Flay and E.M. McIntosh (2005). An Application of the WAsP Program in Complex, Forested Terrain as Part of a Wind Farm Feasibility Study. Wind Engineering 29(6), 491-502.
Walmsley, J.L., I. Troen, D.P. Lalas and P.J. Mason (1990). Surface-layer flow in complex terrain: Comparison of models and full-scale observations. Boundary-Layer Meteorol. 52, 259-281.
Conference proceedings
Bowen, A.J. and N.G. Mortensen (1996). Exploring the limits of WAsP: the Wind Atlas Analysis and Application Program. Proceedings of the 1996 European Union Wind Energy Conference and Exhibition, Göteborg, Sweden, May 20-24, 584-587.
Dellwik, E., L. Landberg and N.O. Jensen (2004). WAsP in the forest. In: Scientific proceedings. 2004 European Wind Energy Conference and Exhibition, London (GB), 22-25 Nov 2004. (European Wind Energy Association, London, 2004) p. 63-66.
Katic, I, Højstrup J. and Jensen, N.O. A Simple Model for Cluster Efficiency. Proceedings of the 1986 European Wind Energy Conference and Exhibition, Rome, Italy, October 7-9, paper C6.
Landberg, L., N.G. Mortensen, O. Rathmann and L. Myllerup (2003). The similarity principle - on using models correctly. In Proceedings CD-ROM. CD 2 European Wind Energy Association (EWEA).
Mortensen, N.G. and E.L. Petersen (1998). Influence of topographical input data on the accuracy of wind flow modeling in complex terrain. Proceedings of the 1997 European Wind Energy Conference and Exhibition, Dublin, Ireland, October 6-9, 317-320.
Mortensen, N.G., A.J. Bowen and I. Antoniou (2006). Improving WAsP predictions in (too) complex terrain. Proceedings of the 2006 European Wind Energy Conference and Exhibition, Athens, Greece, February 27 to March 2.
Mortensen, N.G., J.C. Hansen, J. Badger, B.H. Jørgensen, C.B. Hasager, U.S. Paulsen, O.F. Hansen, K. Enevoldsen, L. Georgy Youssef, U. Said Said, A. Abd El-Salam Moussa, M. Akmal Mahmoud, A. El Sayed Yousef, A. Mahmoud Awad, M. Abd-El Raheem Ahmed, M. A.M. Sayed, M. Hussein Korany, M. Abd-El Baky Tarad (2006). Wind Atlas for Egypt: Measurements, micro- and mesoscale modelling. Proceedings of the 2006 European Wind Energy Conference and Exhibition, Athens, Greece, February 27 to March 2.
Mortensen, N.G., O. Rathmann, A. Tindal and L. Landberg (2008). Field validation of the DRIX performance indicator for flow in complex terrain. Proceedings of the 2008 European Wind Energy Conference and Exhibition, Brussels, Belgium, March 31 to April 3. Handout.
Rathmann, O., N.G. Mortensen, L. Landberg and A. Bowen (1996). Assessing the accuracy of WAsP in non-simple terrain. Wind Energy Conversion 1996. Proceedings of the 18th British Wind Energy Association Conference, Exeter, England, 25-27 September 1996, 413-418.
Troen, I. (1990). A high resolution spectral model for flow in complex terrain. Ninth Symposium on Turbulence and Diffusion, Roskilde, April 30 - May 3, 1990, 417-420.
Bowen, A.J. and N.G. Mortensen (2004). WAsP prediction errors due to site orography. Risø-R-995(EN). Risø National Laboratory, Roskilde. 65 pp.
Energi- og Miljødata (2002). Case studies calculating wind farm production. Energi- og Miljødata, main report 26 pp. + 20 case studies 320 pp. In total 346 pp.
Energi- og Miljødata and Risø National Laboratory (2001). Danish Wind Resource Map with data export to GIS-format. Energi- og Miljødata, English summary report 14 pp.
Jensen, N.O (1983). A Note on Wind Generator Interaction. Risø-M-2411. Risø National Laboratory, Roskilde. 16 pp.
Ott, S. (2011). Uncertainty of Abild's method to determine U50. Research note, February 2011, Risø DTU, Roskilde, Denmark. UExtrWind-Unc-OttFeb2011.pdf.
Petersen, E.L., N.G. Mortensen, L. Landberg, J. Højstrup and H.P. Frank (1997). Wind Power Meteorology. Risø-I-1206(EN). Risø National Laboratory, Roskilde. 46 pp.
Rathmann O.S., B.O. Hansen, K.S. Hansen, N.G. Mortensen, J.P. Murcia Leon (2018). The Park2 Wake Model - Documentation and Validation; DTU Wind Energy E. Vol 160.
Svenningsen, L., M.V. Sørensen, N. Curry, B. Martinez (2013). WAsP-CFD Validation Report. EMD International A/S.
Troen, I. and B.O. Hansen (2015). Wind resource estimation in complex terrain: Prediction skill of linear and nonlinear micro-scale models. Poster session presented at AWEA Windpower Conference & Exhibition, Orlando, FL, United States.
Comparison of Resource and Energy Yield Assessment Procedures (CREYAP)
Mortensen, N. G., & Ejsing Jørgensen, H. (2011). Comparison of resource and energy yield assessment procedures. In Proceedings. European Wind Energy Association (EWEA).
Mortensen, N. G., Ejsing Jørgensen, H., Anderson, M., & Hutton, K-A. (2012). Comparison of resource and energy yield assessment procedures. Proceedings of EWEA 2012 - European Wind Energy Conference & Exhibition. European Wind Energy Association.
Mortensen, N. G., & Ejsing Jørgensen, H. (2013). Comparative Resource and Energy Yield Assessment Procedures (CREYAP) Pt. II.EWEA Technology Workshop: Resource Assessment, Dublin, Ireland, 26/06/13.
Anderson, M., & Mortensen, N. G. (2013). Comparative Resource and Energy Yield Assessment Procedures (CREYAP) Pt. II. AWEA Wind Resource & Project Energy Assessment Seminar, Las Vegas, NV, United States, 10/12/13.
Mortensen, N. G., Ejsing Jørgensen, H. & Nielsen, M. (2014). How well can the industry predict the wind resources? Overview of the results from EWEA CREYAP exercises. Danish Wind Industry Annual Event 2014, Herning, Denmark, 26-27 March.
Badger, J., D. Cavar, M. Nielsen, N.G. Mortensen, B.O. Hansen (2021). CREYAP 2021. Presentation. WindEurope Technology Workshop 2021: Resource Assessment & Analysis of Operating Wind Farms.
Mortensen, N. G., Nielsen, M., & Ejsing Jørgensen, H. (2013). First Offshore Comparative Resource and Energy Yield Assessment Procedures (CREYAP). EWEA Offshore 2013, Frankfurt, Germany, 19/11/13.
Mortensen, N. G., & Nielsen, M. (2015). Offshore CREYAP Part 2 – preliminary results. European Wind Energy Association (EWEA). EWEA Offshore 2015 Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, 10/03/15.
Mortensen, N. G., & Nielsen, M. (2015). Offshore CREYAP Part 2 – final results. European Wind Energy Association (EWEA). EWEA Technology Workshop, Helsinki, Finland, 02/06/15.
Mortensen, N. G., Nielsen, M., & Ejsing Jørgensen, H. (2015). EWEA CREYAP benchmark exercises: summary for offshore wind farm cases. Wind Energy Denmark 2015, Herning, Denmark, 22-23 September.
Mortensen, N. G., Nielsen, M., & Ejsing Jørgensen, H. (2015). Comparison of Resource and Energy Yield Assessment Procedures 2011-2015: What have we learned and what needs to be done? EWEA 2015, Paris, France, 17-20 November. Presentation