New article about the Global Wind Atlas published in flagship magazine

Our article describing the development and scientific basis of the Global Wind Atlas is now online in the Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society.

"The bulletin" - as it is affectionately called in meteorological circles - is the flagship magazine of the American Meteorological Society. It publishes peer reviewed articles of interest and significance for the weather, water, and climate community as well as news, editorials, and reviews.

Neil Davis of DTU Wind and Energy Systems led the 22 co-authors in writing the article “The Global Wind Atlas: A High-Resolution Dataset of Climatologies and Associated Web-Based Application” [1], which outlines the general method, specific development, and application of the Global Wind Atlas. In addition to DTU authors, the article includes contributions from Vortex (ES), Nazka Mapps (BE), the World Bank Group (US), Søren Krohn Consulting (DK) and World in a Box (FI) whom all have contributed to the Global Wind Atlas over the years, spanning from data provision, computational set-ups and web-design to advice, review and feedback in relation to end-user needs.

So far, the Global Wind Atlas has had 2.3 million sessions since the launch of version 2.0 in 2017. The Global Wind Atlas is now at version 3.3, and plans are afoot for the launch of version 4.0 in 2024.

The Global Wind Atlas is developed, owned and operated by DTU, Technical University of Denmark. Global Wind Atlas version 1 was funded by the Energy Technology Development and Demonstration Program (EUDP) of the Danish Energy Agency as the Danish contribution to the objectives of the Clean Energy Ministerial working group on Solar and Wind Technologies. Work on Global Wind Atlas versions 2 and 3 was primarily funded by the Energy Sector Management Assistance Program (ESMAP), and it is part of the global ESMAP initiative on Renewable Energy Resource Mapping that includes biomass, small hydropower, solar energy, and wind energy.

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[1] Neil N. Davis, Jake Badger, Andrea N. Hahmann, Brian O. Hansen, Niels G. Mortensen, Mark Kelly, Xiaoli G. Larsén, Bjarke T. Olsen, Rogier Floors, Gil Lizcano, Pau Casso, Oriol Lacave, Albert Bosch, Ides Bauwens, Oliver James Knight, Albertine Potter van Loon, Rachel Fox, Tigran Parvanyan, Søren Bo Krohn Hansen, Duncan Heathfield, Marko Onninen, and Ray Drummond: “The Global Wind Atlas: A High-Resolution Dataset of Climatologies and Associated Web-Based Application”, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, Volume 104 (2023): Issue 8 (Aug 2023),