April 2024
New features
- Technical loss parameters for individual turbines or turbine groups.
- Uncertainty contributions for individual turbines or turbine groups.
- Support for IEC 61400-50-3 terrain assessment for nacelle-based lidar measurements.
- Import of WAsP vector maps.
- Interpolation of terrain elevation grid map by vector maps.
- Redesigned extrapolation and smoothing of observed turbulence statistics for high wind speed.
- Display of 90% quantile of ambient turbulence intensity.
- Alignment of observed turbulence statistics in WAT and WAsP-CFD result viewer.
- Support for WAsP 12.9 workspace file.
- Synchronized display of IEC 61400-12-1 measurement zones in plot and table when switching between mast or turbine site.
- Save and read IEC wind turbine class S parameters to and from file.
- Show margins around wind farm scaled by turbine hub height.
- Recall program settings from previous WAT session.
- List project model parameters.
- Autosave project file.
Bug fixes
- Problem finding 90% quantile of mixed Weibull and mixed log-normal distributions with zero standard deviation for some wind sectors.
- Problem reading reference wind for IEC class S turbines from WAT project file.
- Missing reports when exporting results to Zip file.
- Undetected climate context when importing WAsP workspace without generalized wind climate at project level.
- Divide-by-zero error in rare cases with equal V50 and V100 extreme-wind estimates.
- Problem reading WAsP workspace file with sites having no wind turbine assigned.
- Sample data were mistaken for Trojan files by some anti-virus protection systems.
- Non-responsive obstacle editor.
- Problem rendering 'Windfarm overview> Effective turbulence table'.
December 2020
• Improved memory management
• New energy estimates after de-selection of the ‘temporary block AEP calculations’ option.
December 2020
New features:
• Export of observed turbulence statistics for import to ShowCFD
• Support for local air temperature lapse rate as in WAsP 12.6
• Examine effect of the wind turbine class directly from the PDF plot
Known issues
• Automatic sector management rules may fail for large wind farms
• IFORM results are probably unreliable. They should be based on time series instead of mean and standard deviation in sectors and wind speed bins.
Version 4.5.166 - Release A
Bug fixes
- Dialog for turbine classification now opens with correct setting, also when working with edition 4 of the IEC 61400-1 standard
- Tables and plots exported to file from the main menu are updated and file names are harmonized
Version 4.5.165 Release A
New features
- Aggregated power curve with technical losses for a selectable group of turbines and optional wake effects at reference site
- Updated shelter table for selected site with visualization of wake effects and optional rotor-averaged wake correction
- Support for extreme wind correction of IEC 61400-1 Ed.4 including coefficient of variation of the fitted Gumbel distribution
- Improved quick-setup layout editor for IEC 61400-12-x site assessment
- Separate general options and project-specific options
- Support for WAsP 12.4 workspace files
Bug fixes
- A problem related to interpolation between sites
- A problem reading WAsP workspace files with no turbine type
- A problem with deactivation and reactivation of turbine site groups
- Problems fitting planes to terrain in sectors extended behind the turbine and calculation of terrain variation for terrain assessments as in IEC 61400-1 Ed.4
- Obstacles beyond 20 times the equivalent rotor diameter was not disregarded in the measurement sector analysis as prescribed in IEC 61400-12-1
Known issues
- Automatic sector management rules may fail for large wind farms
- IFORM results are probably unreliable. They should be based on time series instead of mean and standard deviation in sectors and wind speed bins.
Version 4.4.155 Release A
New features
- Export all tables and plots to ZIP archive
- Optional user-defined turbine regulation type avoiding a problem related to power curves with measurement noise above rated wind speed
- Support for obstacle significance estimates as defined in edition 2 of 61400-12-1
Bug fixes
- Missing main plot themes restored
- Automatic update of air density correction for all turbines after modification of air conditions at reference site
- Improved interpolation of turbulence intensity results
- Improved interpolation of turbine-specific wind conditions, a feature mainly used for large offshore wind farms.
Version 4.3
Build – Release B
Bug fixes
- Measurement sector for IEC 61400-12-1 not displayed when using Edition 2 of the standard
- Bad interpolation of observed TI data sometimes caused negative standard deviations
- Improved import of WAsP 12 workspace files
Build – Release A
New features
- Automatic sector-management rules
- Highlight sites with non-IEC-compliant flow conditions in the main plot
- Assessment of site-specific extreme ambient turbulence intensity
- Import of WAsP 12 workspace files
- Air density correction and wake modelling as in WAsP 12
Bug fixes
- Float-to-integer conversion in WAT 4.2 was accidentally set to 'round up' instead of 'round to nearest'.
- Previous versions confused upper limit with mean of wind-speed bins during turbulence calculations and reports.
- Problem reading power curve files in POW format
- Problem reading user-specified TI statistics from file
- Problem with terrain assessment for IEC 61400-12-1 performance measurements
- IEC 61400-12-1 measurement sector was not stored in project file
Version 4.2
Build Release A
- Support for IEC 61400-1 Ed.4 (draft)
- Support for IEC 61400-12-1 Ed.2 (draft)
- Approximate de-trend correction for observed turbulence intensity
- Input for far-offshore sites independent of WAsP Engineering
- Load Excel files on computers without Excel installation
- Graphical improvements of result tables
- New tables for wind-farm overview of effective TI and maximum TI
- New table of inter-turbine distance
- Better guide for project options
Version 4.1
Build - Release A
New features
- more project options for effective turbulence calculation
- default project options depending on IEC 61400-1 edition
Bug fixes
- large-farm turbulence enhancement in wake sectors ignored as in IEC 61400-1/A1 Ed. 3
- recalculation of effective turbulence after modification of project options
- corrected sometimes wrong average ambient turbulence results
- corrected turbulence correction preferences - primary and secondary method were mixed up in the WAT 4.0 option dialogue
Version 4.0
Build - Release A
New features
- Simplified user interface
- AEP uncertainty estimates
- AEP corrections for turbine availability and transmission power loss
- Import of WAsP projects for AEP calculations
- Power-curve correction for local air density
- Turbulence statistics by observed time series
- Improved export and import of turbulence statistics
- Improved indication of neighbour turbines in sector-management dialogue
- Transparent display of IEC 61400-12-1 performance measurement zones
- Improved accuracy when reading IEC 61400-12-1 measurement sectors from WAT project file
- Support for IEC 61400-12-2 terrain and obstacle assessments
- IEC 61400-12-x assessment with no WAsP or WEng input
- Editor for obstacle geometry
Bug fixes
- Corrected IEC 61400-1 terrain complexity plot
- Corrected IEC 61400-12-1 terrain assessment
- Corrected interpolation of WAsP/WEng site conditions
Version 3.0
New features
- Wind-sector management by alternative turbine modes of operation as a supplement to full shut-down
- Import and export of sector-management rules
- Turbulence corrections by reference mast data
- Support for new IEC 61400-1/A1 sector-based complex terrain assessment
- AEP estimates under grid limitations
- More flexible models for turbine class S turbines
- Temporary blocking of AEP calculations (useful for big projects)
- Wind-speed dependent WEng turbulence intensity (useful for offshore projects)
- Improved object hierarchy editing
- Model options stored with project
- Legend for main plot
- List of recent projects
- Faster calculation
- Better error messages
Bug fixes
- Attempt to write to c:\temp directory
- Yet another *.wtg file read error
- Wat project read error related to unicode strings
- Various errors in site-calibration terrain assessment, including IEC 61400-12-1 criteria badly mistaken for inclination angles [°] but now corrected to terrain slope [%].