Version 3.1.43 (Release G)
- In the OMWC window, Statistics tab, the word "MonthlyAvg" changed to "Average" (in two places)
- LYV and DYV tables calculation speed improvements
- Fixed "Invalid non-positive argument" error when displaying wind climate grid
Version 3.1.040 (Release F)
- Fixed problem with Omwc geolocation accuracy when exporting omwc from WaCA (you could set site location Lat and Lon as Degrees, minutes and seconds but the omwc would contain only the lat lon as degrees decimal thus losing accuracy)
- Updated time series parsing. Some locales saved time stamp as HH.MM.SS where HH:MM:SS was expected and thus causing exception.
- Improved original datafile timestamp comparison for reimport notification. Should now better take into account daylight savings and timezones.
Version 3.1.0033 (Release D)
- Fixes some rare problems with graph resizing
- Fingerprint export is now more reliable
- Added new date time parsing capabilities
Version 3.01.0031 (Release C)
- Wind Data file names are now visible in Observed Wind Climate generation reports (OMWC, OEWC).
Version 3.01.0029 (Release C)
- In some cases the channel type and height were not correctly discovered from header line even though sensible header line was provided. This channel type and -height detection-error has been fixed.
- Added another date time format for file line structure detection.
- LYV and DYV table calculation speed improvement.
- General speed improvement on graphics drawing, report generation and climate calculations (in the order of 40 to 20 %)
Version 3.01.0028 (Release C)
Bug fixes
- Fixed help file (fixed search and indexing)
- Fixed a bug where sometimes not all instrument heights were visible in the height-mapping / channel assignment phase of import process
- Fixed a bug where import report displayed channel heights incorrectly. (I removed the height info as it was duplicate info in any case)
- Fixed channel naming bug that occurred sometimes when you changed a channel type (in file import), Channel of type Speed could remain named e.g, Direction
- Restored support for shorter than 1 year data omwc- calculation (which I successfully broke in the last build with a DYV / LYV table calculation)
- Fixed a bug in date time recognition regular expression, where us-date with time 00:00 was not recognized properly.
New features / improvements
- Restored feature for viewing anomalies encountered in file reading (the one that Anna-Maria was asking for) which existed in WaCA 2.0
- In file import process, if user has unassigned channels at height mapping phase and clicks Finish, program warns the user instead of just finishing up
Version 3.01.0027 (Release B)
- Cleanup of site name so even if user hits Shift+enter, the name containing this line feed no longer crashes the climate export.
- I relaxed the requirement to calculate Oewc-Pots. It used to be strictly 1 year, but is now 1 year – 3 * recording interval of imported series
- Clicking the first split- button in time selection window twice caused a crash. That has now been fixed.
- Viewing a data set with no valid data used to cause a crash. It no longer crashes.
- A ghost process WaCA used to remain in the background in certain rare cases even though software did not crash. This has now been fixed.
New features
- LYV and DYV tables that you used to get when calculated finger print are now available in Omwc- climate (Click on the Statistics tab on the omwc window). These will be visible in Wasp too in the future when we make the next Wasp build.
- When exporting a climate, WaCA notifies user if location has not been set for site or if site name has not been set or both. You can still export though.
- You can now copy timeseries graphs (and radial scatterplot graph) by copy-pasting like in the omwc- climate windows.
- Added Omwc climate quality definitions to help file.
- When importing a file with only 1 speed and 1 direction, WACA now pairs them automatically and asks for height if height does cannot be derived from header line.
Version 3.01.0022 (Release A)
- Data analysis error fixed.
- A project saved without any height data could not be opened. Now fixed.
- License agreement text corrected.
Version 3.01.0021 (Release A)
- Problems with automatic updating of import- and generation reports after time-selection-windows change fixed.
- License agreement text implemented.
- Reference to "Windographer" export style changed to "Simple text format".
- Updating of help file.
Version 3.01.0018 (Release A)
New features
- Possibility to select data which is used for climate analyses. Allows leaving out bad data without need to re-import.
- Possibility to view the selected data in a graph. Now you can view all of your data in a single graph.
- Possibility to view metrics of the selected data (Not just individual imported data).
- Export of selected data (concatenated to a single file).
- Updated, extended climate report.
- Enhanced parsing and updated automatic file detection.
- Automatic file detection supports files with varying decimal digits.
- Updated help file with some explanation on the metrics used for files.
Bug fixes
- Fixed Lat-Lon for site when negative values are used.
- Reduced unnecessary calms calculation on data channels height-mapping and on report-generation.
Version 3.00.157 (Release G)
A. Fixed import reporting regarding missing records (earlier they were falsely reported as recordings below lower limit)
B. Changed / updated the import reporting as well as OMWC and OEWC reporting.
C. Updated RegexCollection.xml (data-format database) to support even greater variety of files that can be imported
D. New sample files (time series data and a sample project)
E. Better error handling / reporting in case of failure in file structure estimation as well as file importing.
F. Exporting changed to support exporting all data to a single concatenated file.
Version 3.00.150 (Release F)
A. Import reports extended to include all data import settings: Column description, discretization width, scaling factor and offset, calm threshold and min. and max. limits of the data window.
B. A bug regarding repeated time-interval setting for OMWCs and OEWCs has been fixed.
C. Automatic instrument identification (incl. height) from header-line labels has been improved.
D. A bug re. abscissa-axis labels for OEWC and OEWC-Pot has been fixed.
E. An error in the OEWC-POT analysis warning texts has been corrected.
F. The help-article for OEWC-POT has been updated.
Version 3.00.146 (Release E)
A. Improved visibility to original file in file import by showing the header file and 10 first data lines in the file import dialog first page.
B. Updated POT- module with improved quality control.
C. Sample data improved.
D. Improved file format detection
E. Some minor GUI detail updates.
Version 3.00.136 (Release C)
A. Wrong data averaging period in exported wind time series files (.amos) fixed.
B. Certain typos in warning texts fixed.
C. Sample files installation made to comply with convention used by WAsP and WAsP Engineering.
Version (Release B)
A. File header lines viewer has been added.
A facility to view file header lines during data import has been added. This should clarify the identification of the various data items (time stamp, wind speed, wind direction, .. )
B. Data processing progress monitor improved.
The monitor showing the progress of user-specified data treatment and calms calculation has been improved.
C. Extreme wind climate scatter plot clarified.
The scatter plot displaying extreme wind data has been made more clear, now enhancing the points representing the largest wind speeds per year (OEWC) or per storm (OEWC-POT).
D. Bug in extreme wind climate sampling fixed.
A bug, which caused certain problematic years to be skipped totally, has been fixed. The problematic years were characterized by the high winds being concentrated in a small part of the year.
Version (Release A)
WACA 3.0 is a completely new WACA version. Some of the features from WACA 2.0 are still present, but there are a number of completely new features meant to make it much more intuitively easy and convenient to use.
New Data import and automatic data format detection procedure.
In far the most cases the data format will be automatic detected: Time stamp, wind speed(s) and wind direction(s); wind speed and wind direction columns assignments may, if needed, be overwritten by the user.
In case a data file contains a header line with column labels containing an instrument height; e.g. WS_45 or WD_30; the corresponding data are automatically assigned to an “instrument” at the appropriate height. In case the instrument height could not be detected, the user may perform the correct assignment.
So no protocol editor as in WACA 2!
Time trimming
Trimming of the time range(s) to be used for the observed wind climate generation may now be specified at any time AFTER the data import (without having to re-import the appropriate data file(s)). It is simply specified via a special Time-selection page of the Observed Wind Climate in question (OMWC, OEWC or OEWC-Pot).
POT-extreme wind climate
In WACA 3.0 we offer, in addition to the Periodical-maxima Extreme wind analysis (OEWC) also the use of the well-known Peak-Over-Threshold extreme wind analysis method (OEWC-Pot). The next WAsP Engineering 3 version will be able to utilize OEWC-Pot.
How to use all the new features is well described in the HELP-system of the WACA3.0. Especially we recommend using the “Quick Start Tutorial”.