Over the last 30 years, more than 130 WAsP courses have been held in 30 countries worldwide. WAsP has been applied in the blue and red countries for wind resource mapping and wind farm development.

30 years of continuing education – and still going strong!

The first WAsP wind resource assessment course was held in Denmark 30 years ago. Since then, more than 1800 engineers and scientists have been trained in the WAsP software tools – and about 15% of these have become Certified WAsP users.

When the European Wind Atlas was published in 1989, the software tools that were used for the analyses (WAsP) had already been commercially available to the industry for a couple of years. These tools made it possible to site wind turbines and wind farms for optimum power production.

The rapid development of wind power meant that there was an urgent need for continuing education courses and training for the industry. Consequently, the first WAsP course was designed and carried out in Sparkær, Denmark, in 1991.

Over the years, the methodology and software tools have been exported to over 125 countries; and training courses have now been held in 30+ countries for more than 1800 engineers and scientists.

What started as a continuing education initiative for the wind energy industry 30 years ago has now also been included in a general competence course at DTU: 46200 Wind Farm Planning and Development. The course is part of the wind energy master education at DTU Wind Energy since 2007 and more than 850 students have since taken the course.

Over the last five years, the continuing education course has become almost entirely online and the number of participants is growing steadily. In addition to following the course for eight weeks, the participants hand in a complete case study and get personalised feedback from a DTU scientist.

For more information, see WAsP continuing education courses.