WAsP Forums

Welcome to the WAsP Forums.

This is where you can ask questions about WAsP, WAsP Engineering, WAsP CFD, Windfarm Assessment Tool, PyWAsP, Global Wind Atlas and associated software. You can also share tips and tricks, look for WAsP software users anywhere in the world, or organize events. The WAsP Forums are moderated, and there are a few basic rules:

  1. WAsP Forums are meant for anyone working with wind resource assessment, siting of wind turbines and wind farms, or wind power meteorology in general. Discussions are not restricted to the WAsP software; but may also include related topics such as wind measurements, wind data analysis, etc.
  2. We request that you maintain a civil tone in posting on the WAsP Forums. The WAsP Team reserves the right to delete at our discretion messages that are rude, harassing, unproductive, or needlessly off-topic. We do not censor the forum, but will delete spam posts and purely commercial activity.
  3. Keep your posts well-reasoned and insightful and remember that the WAsP Forums are public.
  4. If you if you have an active WAsP Bundle license or an active PyWAsP license and you have a problem, which requires support, then please use the form WAsP Contact Form.

Finally, don't forget it's good bulletin board form to include your full name with your post.

You must register to use the WAsP Forums the first time you enter. Please use the Sign Up link on the front page and fill in your wanted user name, e-mail address and password. Finally, click the Create my Account button. You may change the password using Account Settings. Once you enter the WAsP Forums, you have access to see the contents of the discussion rooms.